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How to Deploy OpenFaaS Serverless PHP Functions. If you follow Alex Ellis on Twitter one acronym that you will have been seeing a lot in your Twitter feed lately is FaaS. Magento 2 theme blank SASS parent and child setup and installation. x Development Deployment with PHP7, Apache2. 4, REDIS, VARNISH, Scaleable. Docker Mono Host Magento 2 Service Scaling and Dynamic Load Balancing with VARNISH. I use FHEM as the engine for home automati.
Amazon Alexa PHP Hello World Example. This Christmas a lot of people in Europe will be unpacking a shiny new Amazon Echo device and enjoying meaningful discussions with Alexa about life, the universe and everything. Over easter I dug out my old Raspberry Pi which had been gathering dust for the last couple of years and turned it into a headless internet radio player. Magento iPhone Mobile Admin with Framework 7.
Calendar of Presbyterian and Reformed General Assemblies, Synods and other events. Looking Back, Look Forward. I like the association of the month of January, even if not universally accepted. That invokes the ancient Roman god Janus. Looking back, we give thanks for Go.
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